Seville Orange Ice Cream with Tiptree Orange Marmalade

Seville Orange Ice Cream with Tiptree Orange Marmalade

The "Seville" orange is a type of bitter citrus from the Southeast Asia region. It is the principle ingredient in the traditional British orange marmalade, owing its notoriety to the historic trading relationships with Spain and Portugal, who are responsible for bringing it to the West.

Orange marmalade and other preserves have a long history in British culture. The story of how it became such a cultural phenomenon says that the fruit arrived on the British island after a Spanish cargo ship carrying Seville oranges wrecked on the shores of Dundee. The Spanish sold their cargo to a clever local merchant, whose wife made preserves out of it.

No matter how the preserve made it to the UK, it's a staple of the quintessentially British breakfast. With this recipe, you can cut the bitterness of the Seville orange with a creamy sweetness, making a well-rounded dessert that is sure to impress any dinner guests using Tiptree Orange Marmalade.

This recipe doesn't call for an ice cream maker, so if you have one, you can skip the "freeze and tease" method we outline below.

How to make the Seville Orange Ice Cream

Ingredients you’ll need:

First, you'll want to infuse the milk with the vanilla. Start by placing the vanilla pod and milk in a pan on medium heat and slowly bring it to a boil. Shut off the heat once a boil starts and set the pan aside to cool to room temperature. We recommend about 20 minutes.

Then, create the custard by beating the egg yolks and sugar. Add in the cooled milk to the custard mixture and once it is fully incorporated, strain it into a sauce pan.

Place the pan on low/medium heat and gently cook the mixture stirring constantly so that the bottom of the pan doesn't overheat the custard. Continue stirring until the custard lightly coats the backside of the spoon. Then, stir in the marmalade.

To make the ice cream consistency, you're going to need to freeze and tease the mixture until you get it to its desired consistency. Take the incorporated custard and pour it into a flat pan, allowing it to cool to room temp. Once properly cooled (around 30 minutes or so) add it to the freezer and allow up to 2 hours to get "mushy".

Then, in a chilled mixing bowl, use a potato masher to mash the ice cream, and fold in the whipped cream as you go. Once fully incorporated, place the mixture back into the freezer and allow it to get to your desired consistency again. Repeat the mashing and freezing cycle (don't add any more whipped cream) until it gets to your desired consistency! Serve with your favorite garnish. An herbal note goes nicely with the dessert.

About Tiptree

All Tiptree products are made without artificial preservatives or GMOs. Tiptree has been creating scrumptious jams and preserves for over 100 years in small-batch copper kettles, so you can rest assured you are receiving the highest quality possible.

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